It has been almost five months since I officially became a freelance writer. I say ‘officially’… I actually just accepted that this is what I’m doing, and pulled myself out of the blind panic that comes with jumping off a cliff. In September last year, I sat down at my desk and thought, Right. I’m doing this.
I have been working in education for over 15 years, writing constantly on the side. I loved working in education, and I learnt so many skills that seep into my work as a writer, but it’s time for me to try something new. It’s time for me to focus on the work I love the most: writing. I reached out to other freelance writers I know, asking for advice on how to get started. I signed up to online writing communities and newsletters, and I started listening to Hot Copy Podcast at every opportunity (a great resource for working writers). In fact, it was on the advice of Kate Toon and Belinda Weaver, who I’ve come to think of as my virtual mentors (despite the fact that neither of them know they’re mentoring me) that I decided to start a blog to track my journey.
I’d kept a blog for years, which remained, until very recently, neglected on my website. It was more of a journal than anything else, and lacked the focus I want to demonstrate. I’m hesitant to start a brand new blog at the same time as looking for work and completing projects, especially when it will show clients how close I am to the start of my journey. But every great journey starts somewhere.
I know I can write.
I need other people to know I can write.
I want other people to know I can write for them.
My blog is a tool – I am a highly experienced writer (just not highly experienced at making a living from it) and I need to show that. I believe in honesty and openness, and so, it is with slight trepidation that I launch Track Changes, in which I aim to share my insights, experiences and resources as I begin this terrifying journey into self-employment.
Welcome to Track Changes.